Let’s Bring Autumn to your Loom

It’s my favorite time of the year!  Let’s bring a little fall color to our projects with these fun multi-color patterns.

These cute patterns are easy to do on the double-knit loom – much easier than traditional knitting, hence the beauty of the double-knit loom!

Getting ready for Halloween?  Add this cute little pumpkin 

or scary cat

to one of your Halloween scarves or even placemats for your scary table!

These little coasters (Set 1 and Set 2) are perfect to not only get your feet wet creating multi-color projects but knit up quick for that last-minute gift.

Here’s a quick and chic scarf to not only keep you warm but looking simply FABULOUS, dahling!

And, of course, the obligatory cozy and comfy pullover sweater that is surprisingly easy to double-knit loom knit!

This just screams autumn leaves and cool breezes, doesn’t it?  Hope you enjoy creating your fall projects!  For more project patterns, check out our patterns page here.



  • Judy on

    Look forward to more free samples. Love looming!

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