Sundance Pullover

Sundance Pullover

Talk about comfy!  Here’s a delicious and fun pullover that is easy to double-knit loom knit with no color changes and the turtleneck is knit right into the sweater!


A beautiful pattern courtesy of




Level:  Easy

Knitting Loom:  28″ Knitting Board

Yarn:  Reynolds Smile Yarn 11 Balls for sm/m, 12 Balls for lg/xl

Notions:  Knit hook, crochet hook for finishing edges, large darning needle for sewing seams

Size:  sm/m and (lg/xl). Knit in 4 pieces


Front and Back of Sweater (knit 2)

Cast On 48 (56) stitches in Stockinette stitch.  Lay anchor yarn.
Rows 1-16 Knit in Stockinette.
Inc (1) stitch each end.
Rows 17-28 Knit in Stockinette
Inc (1) stitch each end.
Rows 29-40 Knit in Stockinette.
Increase (1) stitch each end.
You will now have 54 (62) stitches on board and 40 rows completed.

Sleeve Opening

Knit additional 30 (34) rows in Stockinette.
Shoulder Bind Off:
You will bind off on both ends of board for the shoulders and leave the center (28) stitches on
board for the turtleneck.
Left side of board:
Lay yarn across the first 13 (17) stitches. Bind Off from beginning edge to neckline. Lay the last
loop onto the next needle #14 (18) on either board.
Right side of board. Bind Off from right edge for the first 13 (17) stitches. Lay the last loop
onto the next needle, either board.
Change to Open Rib Stitch by shifting the loops on one side of board for this stitch. If you prefer,
you may do the turtleneck in Rib Stitch.
Knit the turtleneck for a total of 16 rows.
Bind Off with crochet hook by pulling (1) loop thru (1). This will give you a looser, more
stretchy edge on the collar.
Bind Off at hemline at anchor yarn. Do this bind off by lifting 3 loops, alternating boards, and
pull (1) thru (2). Pick up the next (2) loops, and pull (1) thru (2). At end of knitting, pull yarn
tail thru the last loop for a knot. Carefully, remove the anchor yarn.

Sleeve (knit 2)

Cast On 30 (34) Stitches in Stockinette.
Knit 25 (28) rows in Stockinette.
Increase (1) stitch each end. Knit row.
Knit additional (3) rows.
Repeat these (4) rows until you have a total of 48 (54) stitches on Board.
Bind Off loosely by pulling 1 thru 2.
Bind off at cuff, same method

Finishing and Sewing

Lay the sweater front together with sweater back matching the turtleneck and shoulders.
Be sure to face the (2) sides of Open Rib together for the turtleneck.
Sew the shoulders thru the turtleneck with invisible stitch.

Sew each sleeve from underarm to cuff. With the sleeve laying flat, place the sleeve seam at
underarm. Note center of sleeve and match it to the shoulder seam.
Start sewing at the hemline of the sweater pieces. You may want to tack the sleeve in place
within the sweater. Sew side seam up to the sleeve, and then around the entire sleeve opening,
easing any fullness of the sweater to the sleeve. Since your sleeve has a finished seam, it
will not stretch as easily as the sweater pieces.
Once your sleeves are sewn into the sweater, your sweater is complete.
Roll the cuffs for final touch.



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