Autumn Coasters Part Deux

Autumn Coasters Part Deux

Last week, we posted two autumn coasters block patterns.  Here are two more to add to the collection!


I’ve got to admit, the leaf got a little away from me and ended up a little larger than the rest!



Download the pattern here.


Each block in the pattern represents one stitch.  For instance, the orange blocks represent the  orange stitches, the brown blocks represent the brown stitches and the white blocks represent the white stitches. Viewing the chart, we will work from bottom up. In these patterns, you’ll want to always wrap your orange (or tan) yarn first in the row, then follow with wrapping the white yarn.


Working in the Stockinette stitch, cast-on your first row in white.  Continue following the pattern from the bottom up.


Once completed, I crocheted a border with single-stitch using the contrasting color.  These came out about 5″ x 5″ using medium-weight yarn.






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