Wrap Yourself in Luxurious Chenille

Wrap Yourself in Luxurious Chenille

What do you get when you find the most delicious, luxurious chenille yarn on clearance and the Star Stitch for the double-knit loom?  You get this pretty, lacy, unbelievably soft and surprisingly warm wrap.


And what’s more?  It’s so quick and easy to make!


As I cruised the aisles of my favorite yarn shop, I stopped at the clearance bin and found this beautiful chenille yarn.  Still pricey, I decided to throw caution to the wind (I just can’t resist beautiful yarn AND a sale) as I thought this yarn would make a beautiful wrap.


We all have our favorite loom, mine being the Knitting Board with the metal pins.  However, I wanted a more lacy look so chose the 28” Knitting Board with Plastic Pegs loom, (a plastic loom would work just as well), as I wanted the pins to be farther apart to create a more lacy look.  Here are the instructions to create this little wrap of luxury.


By Christine Cavagnaro

Chenille Wrap


63” X 10” (or as desired)

28” Knitting Board with Plastic Pegs

Not important

Chenille yarn, approximately 480 yards
(Sample:  Touch Me by Muench Yarns)

Loom hook, crochet hook


Cast on 26 stitches using the Stockinette stitch cast-on method.  Continue working in Stockinette for one more row.

Switch to Star Stitch and continue until wrap is desired length.




  • Deanna on

    If you do two rows of stockinette stitch and then do rows with the star stitch how are you supposed to finish this? Do you end with two rows of stockinette stitch before binding off? Thank you

    • Chris on

      Hi Deanna,

      Yes, that’s the best way. That way it is even on both ends.



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