Star Stitch – Double-Knit Loom Technique

Star Stitch – Double-Knit Loom Technique


The Star Stitch is a beautiful, lacy stitch that is very easy to do. Perfect for scarves, shawls, blankets and more.


Here’s a quick video with written instructions below.


The most important thing to remember is to use an even number of pins. When you begin, you will want to do, at least, the first row in the Stockinette stitch.


Wrap the 1st back pin counter-clockwise. Bring down to 2nd front pin and wrap clockwise bringing yarn straight back.

star1-arrow     star2-arrow

Wrap clockwise around 2nd back pin and bring down to 1st front pin:


Wrap clockwise and bring the yarn up to the next empty back pin (3 in the example below).


Repeat the instructions above until all pins are wrapped. Hook over and continue as instructed until desired length achieved.


A beautiful stitch once completed!





  • Maggie on

    After watching videos that never suggest the best way to start, and never show what to do clearly enough; I finally get it! Thank you for the concise directions, and pictures that explain just as well! I have been wanting to do a scarf for my mom, using this stitch, and I can’t tell you how many times the project was frogged bacause I had to guess half the time, which way to go.

    • Chris on

      So happy to hear, Maggie! I’ve just completed a wrap with the most delicious chenille yarn using this stitch. It makes a beautiful pattern and really is easy to do, once you know how!

  • Gloria Wardhaugh on

    I have just purchased the knitting looms but as yet have not started using it. I am going to try the star stitch so fingers crossed that I manage it.

    • Chris on

      Fabulous! Let me know if you have any questions!


  • Trudy on

    So after the pins are wrapped, what do I do?

    • Chris on

      Using your loom hook, hook the bottom loop over the top and off the pin on each pin.

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