Fair Isle Scarf

Fair Isle Scarf

Here’s a great example of a Fair Isle color chart I found.  I created this beautiful, masculine scarf using Loops & Threads Impeccable Yarn in Chocolate, Heather and White using a 10-inch Knittingboard loom.


You can easily substitute any color combo that you love to create your own version – you can even use two colors instead of three.  If you look closely, you’ll see I I actually used Heather instead of white in the center of one set.  Oops!  Instead of taking it out when I discovered it, I just made it part of the pattern, creating the next block using White (as shown in the chart) and then another set with Heather.



Download color chart here.


Each block in the pattern represents one stitch. The dark brown blocks represent the dark brown stitches, tan blocks are the tan stitches and the white blocks are the white stitches.  Viewing the chart above, we will work from bottom up.


Cast on in dark brown using the Stockinette stitch then continue knitting in Stockinette stitch for the next 4 rows.  Now begin following the pattern.  You’ll want to wrap your white yarn first in the row, then follow with wrapping the brown yarn.  Hook over after each completed row.


Continue knitting until desired length and enjoy!





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