Bunnies for Spring

Bunnies for Spring

Spring is coming!  I can feel it.  Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking.  How about adding these darling bunnies to your spring project!  Double-knit loom knitting these little bunnies is a breeze.


Download the color chart here.


Each block in the pattern represents one stitch. The mint green blocks represent the mint green stitches and the white blocks are the white stitches.  Viewing the chart above, we will work from bottom up.


Cast on in white using the Stockinette stitch then continue knitting in Stockinette stitch for 1 more row.  Now begin following the pattern.  You’ll want to wrap your mint green yarn first in the row, then follow with wrapping the white yarn.  Hook over.


Once completed, create little white pom poms and add them to your bunny butts!  Here’s a great little instruction page on how to make them.


Create 5 bunny blocks along with 4 solid stitch blocks and create a darling baby blanket.




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