Ladder Stitch – Double-Knit Loom Technique

Ladder Stitch – Double-Knit Loom Technique

Here is a pretty stitch I found.  So quick and easy yet so different!


Working left to right, wrap the yarn from pin 1 on the back board around pin 4 on the front board and then around pin 3 on the back board. Continue down to wrap pin 6 on the front board and weave back and forth across the board skipping every other pin.


When you reach the end, wrap the last pin on the front board and pass the yarn straight back and around pin 1 on the back board.  Turn your board around.


To return to the beginning, working left to right, wrap all the empty pins starting from pin 1 to pin 2 on the back board, pin 2 on the front board, then pin 4 on the back board. Next, wrap pin 3 on the front board, pin 6 on the back board.



Continue weaving back and forth around every empty pin on each board. When you reach the last 2 pins, wrap the 2nd last pin on the back board, wrap the 2nd last pin on the front board, then around the last pin on the back board.

Continue the same pattern again from the beginning.  Hook over and you have completed row one!


Continue with this same pattern and you get a really pretty piece, perfect for scarves, among other things! And, of course, choosing a thinner yarn makes an even more distinct ladder pattern.


            Ladder Stittch 1


What do you think?  Is this a helpful tutorial?  Any suggestions?  We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!



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