Braided Headband

Braided Headband

How cute is this braided headband?  So easy to make and you can easily increase the pattern to create a really special scarf (my hubby has already put in his order for one…).

I would have modeled it myself but I’m under the weather and totally look it!  Maybe when I’m feeling better (a super-model, I am NOT!).


To create this headband, I used medium-weight yarn on a 10″ Knittingboard.  Of course, you can use any type of loom you want.


Cast on 12 stitches (I used dark brown) and Stockinette stitch 5 rows.


For the sixth row, wrap the first four pegs with dark brown in Stockinette stitch.  Add your next color yarn (I used white) on the 5th peg and wrap the next 3 pegs (total four pegs) in Stockinette stitch.  Now add your third color (I used orange) on the 9th peg and wrap the next 3 pegs (total four pegs) in Stockinette stitch.



Now hook over.


Continue wrapping each color in its individual section.  Then wrap over all.  Continue wrapping and hooking over your three sections until the headband is the length you require (about 21″ for adult at this point).


Now wrap all 12 pegs with your solid color (dark brown in my example) for 5 rows.  Bind off.  (Length is now about 22″.)


Here comes the fun part.  We are going to braid the sections using the magic braid technique (if it’s called a technique).


Take the bottom and fold into the section between the 2nd and 3rd strands.


Now take the 1st strand (dark brown) and braid over the center strand (white).  Take the 3rd strand (orange) and braid it over the center.  Take the 1st strand and braid it over the center again.


Take the bottom and fold into the section between the 1st and 2nd strands.


Now braid again as described above (ignoring the color descriptions as they have now changed).


Take the bottom and fold into the section between the 2nd and 3rd strands.



Make sense?  If not, here are the best instructions I was able to find – and I used these instructions (and the video) to accomplish this braiding technique.  Check it out here.


Now sew the ends together and voila!  You have this darling headband.


Increase the amount of stitches and you can create a fabulous scarf using this same technique!



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